💻Version 1.0 : Monitor💻

Monitor Specifications
Pacific Size: 614 x 496 pixels
Resizable Design
Monitor Decorations
Soft Light: 7 x 9 pixels
Sound Lines: 34 x 20 pixels
On/Off Clickable Button: 17 x 18 pixels
Loading Bar: 275 x 15 pixels
Monitor Tabs
Tabs Pacific Size: 336 x 257 pixels
Colors Available: Blue, Pink, Green
Tabs Scroll Bar: 10 x 236 pixels
Scroll Bar Button: 12 x 27 pixels
Selectors (3 Styles): 16 x 16 pixels
Tabs Button (3 Frames: Hover, Idle, Clicked): 37 x 13 pixels
Info Tab Icon: 32 x 38 pixels
Info Tab Pencil Button: 32 x 32 pixels
Mouse Pointer Hand Icon (2 Frames: Point, Click): 16 x 16 pixels
Tabs & Taskbar
Side Tab Icons (6 Total): 32 x 32 pixels
Tab Icons Selector: 48 x 49 pixels
Taskbar: 544 x 17 pixels
Taskbar Icons (5 Total): 16 x 16 pixels
Categories (5 Total)
World Map
Health & Stamina Bars (3 Frames: Health, Stamina, Empty): 32 x 16 pixels
Health Heart Icon: 21 x 18 pixels
Stamina Icon: 15 x 16 pixels
Coin Icon: 16 x 16 pixels
Item Folder (2 Frames: Open, Close): 37 x 33 pixels
World Map
Map Blocks (3 Frames: Idle, Selected, Highlighted; 5 Colors: Blue, Green, Black, Brown, Yellow): 16 x 16 pixels
World Map Icons (8 Total: Tower, 2 Styles of Houses, Flower Mill, Cave, Trees): 16 x 32 pixels
Mini Clock (Day/Night Cycle, Dawn, Day, Noon, Night, Lightning, Raining): 32 x 32 pixels
Compass: 80 x 80 pixels
Compass Pin (2 Frames): 16 x 32 pixels
- Player Items (10 Total): 16 x 16 pixels
Book Icon: 25 x 34 pixels
Feather Icon: 14 x 13 pixels
Text Holder (2 Frames): 186 x 32 pixels
Selection Button: 14 x 13 pixels
Text Holder (2 Frames): 310 x 15 pixels
Progress Bar (2 Frames): 2 x 4 pixels
Selection Button: 4 x 8 pixels
Check Box (2 Frames: Empty, Checked): 16 x 16 pixels
Category Buttons (4 Total: Profile, Video, Audio, Controls; 2 Frames: Idle, Selected): 32 x 32 pixels
Tab Border (6 Frames): 320 x 214 pixels
Get Pocket Inventory Series #10 : Monitor
Pocket Inventory Series #10 : Monitor
🖥️ Fully Animated Player Inventory Monitor v1.0
Status | Released |
Category | Assets |
Author | Humble Pixel |
Tags | 16x16, 2D, Asset Pack, Graphical User Interface (GUI), humblepixelofficial, Pixel Art, PNG, Retro, Sprites, User Interface (UI) |
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